US Federal and State laws prohibit the sale of wine, beer or spirits to anyone under 21 years of age.
Since launching Star Trek Wines in 2018, Wines That Rock in partnership with the Star Trek franchise has been working on
re-imagining a new line of high-end wines and spirits inspired by the Star Trek Universe.
Our continuing mission is to boldly go where no wine company has gone before.
From original designs to exact show prop replica, Star Trek Wines is dedicated to authenticity, quality and
creating wines that we as fans want to own.
Our inaugural launch tells the story. Starting with the long sought-after Chateau Picard wine, The team at Star Trek wines brought the actual 5th generation Chateau Picard vineyard (located in the Saint-Estèphe region of France) together with the prop-masters from Star Trek to put Jean-Luc Picard’s family label on the world-class and highly regarded Cru Bourgeois Bordeaux. No small feat, but The Star Trek Wine team wanted there to be no doubt about its commitment to authenticity and quality.
From 3D replicas of Star Trek bottles to recruiting the Klingon Language Institute (KLI) to make sure our Klingon Bloodwine was culturally accurate, we put enormous care and pride to each of these creations. Our Klingon Bloodwine was crafted with a bold Cabernet Sauvignon and features Klingon Warrior uniform patterns embedded into the bottle as well as a bold red hand-wax dipped finish. Emblazoned on the front of the bottle – the Klingon Proverb
“Drink Now for Tomorrow We May Die” – in the original Klingon of
course. We hope you enjoy the full collection as much as we enjoyed making them.
Live Long and Prosper!
United Federation of Planets has some very specific laws regarding where and when you can sell spirits & wines, so to comply we’ve created 2 different sites: and
PLEASE NOTE: we are currently unable to sell Star Trek Wines and Star Trek Spirits in the same shopping cart, so if you want to have a look at our spirits selection, please head over to
The good news is, we’ve cleared the Romulan Ale for sale in this sector!