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Star Trek Wines in Las Vegas 2022 – World Premier of Romulan Ale

May 07, 2023 1 min read

Star Trek Wines in Las Vegas 2022 – World Premier of Romulan Ale

We Love going to Las Vegas! Since we first launched Star Trek Wines, we’ve used the Las Vegas Star Trek convention to unveil our new bottles, and unleash the best deals of the year.

This year, we launched several new items, including Risan Rose – Enterprise Edition (featured in Star Trek: Enterprise), Risen – Picard Edition (featured in Star Trek: Picard) , 2221 Chateau Picard (featured in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds) , 2401 Chateau Picard (Featured in Season 2, Episode 1 of Star Trek: Picard).  We also did a private tasting, the World Premier of Romulan Vodka.  Check the video below for a fun re-cap of our time in Las Vegas.

We really enjoyed meeting so many of you.  Enjoy!

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